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General Mental Health
Domestic and Family Violence
Sexual Assault and Trauma
Often there will be significant co-occurring issues that can be addressed in a holistic and integrated way during counselling.

Women may or may not have a diagnosed mental health issue, but if mental health issues are at severe levels or women are in acute phases and high levels of practical/welfare, case management, crisis intervention are required, counsellors will work with the client and our network partners to engage a range of services for the client and their family.
Anxiety, depression, PTSD, low self-esteem, grief and loss, isolation, eating disorders, relationships issues, parenting........ are more often than not present as co-occurring issues where domestic and family violence, child sexual assault, adult sexual assault, a history of abuse and neglect is present.
Women may also be experiencing daily challenges with coping with low income, unemployment, housing issues and family demands
Many women elect to have longer term counselling where they can work on their presenting issues and have the time and safety to make sense of how complex underlying issues have impacted them and their families and to engage in their trauma recovery process
Empowering women to improve the quality of their lives and fulfill their potential.
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